Breaking Down Barriers to Accessibility: Continuity and Creativity during COVID

In typical years in Massachusetts, the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA) convenes nearly 800 mediations with an 85% agreement rate and facilitates approximately 130 Team Meetings. Massachusetts’s unique approach invites collaborative problem-solving between families and educators. While our numbers were lower during the pandemic, the BSEA faced the challenges of COVID-19 with sensitivity and creativity. As we navigated the pandemic, we revised our processes and practices to support the needs of our stakeholders.

The presentation discusses Massachusetts’ unique model and how it was adapted and improved amid COVID. Specifically, we discuss how Massachusetts’ regulations promote access to due process; how our mediator model facilitates conflict resolution; how the ease of access to mediations and facilitated team meetings enables increased participation; and how the BSEA’s investment in conducting stakeholder trainings encourages engagement. This presentation offers practical applications for other states.


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