Constructive Approaches to Help Frequent Filers

Over the past few years, we have heard from States that the frequency of phone calls, emails and State complaints coming from “frequent filers” has increased heavily. Frequent filers are individuals who file complaint after complaint after complaint (informal and formal), often on overlapping issues and with increasing frustration evidenced in each subsequent filing. They may be extremely difficult to talk to because they don’t just want a Cadillac, they want a Rolls Royce.  However, if and when you are able to get past the angry façade and get to the underlying information, there are often serious problems underlying their concerns. During this session, we will discuss how to meet the requirements in IDEA when you receive numerous overlapping State complaints, as well as approaches to constructively cut through the individual’s anger/frustration to get to the underlying issues. We will also discuss how you can help your districts, schools and providers to work with challenging individuals so that they don’t become the next “frequent filer.”