Design and Implementation of the Dispute Resolution Data Tracking System in Texas

The session will explain the process that TEA undertook in building the Correspondence and Dispute Resolution Management System (CDRMS) which tracks state-level dispute resolution activities related to special education. The session will also explain the system itself and will explain how the state utilizes the system to track and use dispute resolution data on issues reviewed and substantiated through special education complaints and due process hearings, mediation requests and agreements, resolution sessions and agreements, and IEP facilitations. Using CDRMS, TEA is able to run detailed district, regional, and state-level reports to meet a variety of needs.  The reports allow TEA to: complete the Annual Performance Report and the State Plan in an efficient manner; inform each regional education service center about commonly occurring issues in its region so they can provide specifically tailored trainings to address those issues; provide reports to outside entities and; and track corrective actions and ensure that LEAs correct identified noncompliance within a timely manner. 
