Resolution Options as New Practices: IEP Facilitation as Systemic Challenge

Since the last CADRE Oregon Symposium, Massachusetts has attempted to expand resolution options. At the time of the last Symposium the state offered either formal Mediation or full-blown Appeals Hearings. This presentation will review MA history from the CORE Evaluation process (1972) to the current range of resolution options. Issues impacting district use of the less formal options will be shared as well as current data on use and outcomes. In addition to the power-point, handouts will include samples of training materials used with parents and school district personnel. Emerging and often unexpected issues in making a change from the more traditional, highly structured and directed options available to districts to the current “buffet” of options will be identified and discussed. Information will reflect state comparative data as well as the results of district surveys in an attempt to provide participants guidance in more quickly identifying or avoiding missteps in organizational change processes whether at the state, school district or building level.
