The Independent Child Advocate Program: A Unique Approach to Special Education Dispute Resolution

As one of the components of the SELPA’s ADR program, the Independent Child Advocate has had an eleven year track record of resolving ninety percent of all cases referred. This model program (administered by a local not-for-profit community based advocacy organization) has been embraced by the community (forty school districts) as an effective, efficient and highly trusted program that focuses on reaching mutually agreeable solutions to complex and contentious special education disputes, thereby avoiding costly state level intervention. Emphasis is placed on directing the conversation towards meeting the needs of the student while maintaining respectful relationships, open and honest communication and transparency amongst all parties. “Initiator of referral” statistics demonstrate that parents (70%) and districts (30%) find the program an effective and efficient local solution to resolving disputes. The presentation will provide attendees with specific information on the structure of the program, including goals and objectives, referral criteria, financial and budgetary considerations and case resolution activities and outcomes. Attendees will receive a packet of information including ADR brochures, intake forms and case criteria outlines and information.
