Intersectionality & Student-Centered Secondary Transition Planning

The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded disparities in learning and achievement particularly for students of color and students with disabilities. As we return to in person learning and school communities it is essential that we center the lived experiences of marginalized students and their families in our work. Effective secondary transition planning seeks to dismantle existing systemic barriers by recognizing, honoring and empowering the whole child as they embark on their journeys toward successful, self-determined postsecondary lives. Designing a student-centered secondary transition planning process grounded in intersectionality theory helps to create equitable access to secondary- and postsecondary opportunities for marginalized students. This session will help practitioners identify the knowledge and skills required to create spaces that honor the expertise of marginalized students and their families and explore tools for creating an individualized, generative, and effective student-centered secondary transition planning process.


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