Building a Yes Culture

Having a “Yes And” culture is an essential element for restoring focus on the child. This fast paced interactive workshop is for anyone who participates or facilitates challenging meetings (I.e. I.E.P.’s, Resolution Sessions, Mediations, etc.). This workshop will provide conflict resolution, negotiation and team building strategies using applied improvisation as a tool for positive communications and outcomes. While learning new valuable skills and techniques, participants will receive specific exercises that can be used in meetings as well as in trainings.

The four key principles of this session are:

“ Yes, And!” Acknowledge a situation, and then with a win-win attitude, handle it.

Listening- We explore the concept of dropping our agenda, giving our complete attention to the speaker (i.e. parent, teacher)

Add information- Hear and acknowledge, then add our own information to propel the negotiation forward.

Eye Contact- Body language speaks volumes; we learn to commit, be present, and engaged.