Scott Bellows

Dispute Solutions LLC

P.O. Box 23146
Portland, 97224
United States


Scott Bellows began his mediation career in 1988, when he helped found a University-based community mediation program during law school at U.C. Davis. After fifteen years practicing trial law (including disability law) in California and Oregon, he returned to mediation in 2002, limiting his practice to mediation, facilitation and (occasionally) arbitration. He has received training in facilitative, transformative, co-mediation, and evaluative mediation models, generally preferring what he calls a “big toolbox” or “facilitative, and…” approach. He serves on the mediation rosters for Oregon’s U.S. District Court, Department of Justice, Court of Appeals, Department of Education, Department of Transportation, and other agencies; facilitated the Attorney General’s workgroup that constructed Oregon’s successful foreclosure mediation program; has served on the boards of the Oregon Mediation Association and Oregon State Bar ADR Section; and serves as the mediator representative on ODE’s Special Education Dispute Resolution Committee. He has served on the Oregon Department of Education mediator panel since 2007, successfully mediating something in the ballpark of 50-100 special education disputes (he’s lost track). He loves what he does.

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