Lisa Clark Keith

Assistant Professor
Fresno Pacific University

1717 South Chestnut Ave
Fresno, 93702
United States


Dr. Lisa Clark Keith is an Assistant Professor of Special Education at Fresno Pacific University. A 20-year veteran public school special education teacher, Dr. Keith has taught grades K – 12, with the majority of her career at the high school level working with adolescents who have a Special Education eligibility of Emotional Disturbance. After seeing the need for more than general Ed. and special Ed. Credentials to work with this at-risk population, Dr. Keith earned her M.A. degree in Counseling Psychology and her Psy.D. in Organizational Psychology. She now instructs Education Specialists how to manage their specialized classroom using Positive Behavior Supports and integrating Restorative Justice through the work of Dr. Ron Claassen and his wife, Roxanne, with the program Discipline That Restores.

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