Dena Hook

Family & Children First Council

125 Executive Drive Suite 100
Marion, OH 43302
United States

More than fifteen years experience in education and social services, working specifically in advocacy for families and children. A results and people-oriented administrator dedicated to service. Demonstrated ability to coordinate the work of diverse community groups, develop proactive operating strategies and foster organization growth. Professional Background: Marion County Family & Children First Council, Executive Director Supervised the Marion County Help Me Grow Program (IDEIA Part C), Truancy Mediation Program, Social Workers Community Schools Program, Children of Domestic Violence Support Group program, and Empower Program with Big Broth and Big Sisters in Marion. Provided supervision for the Intersystem Collaboration between all county agencies in Marion, for our Juvenile law offender population. Coordinator and trainer of the research based parent training on discipline "Strengthening Families." Developed the Circle of Service Program (COS) for families at risk for homelessness, child abuse, and school failure. Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities, Statewide Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator Supervised 12 regional site offices, and 20 regional staff in advocacy program activities. Developed, coordinated and trained agency staff, trainers, advocates and education professionals. Provided technical assistance to 14 Midwest-state Parent Training and Information Centers. Researched and wrote both state and federal agency grants. Certified and Trained as a Special Education Mediator. Authored Special Education Publications and Developed Trainings on: *How to write an IEP *Students with Disabilities in the General Education Curriculum *What is a Functional Behavior Assessment? *How to cope with the Frustrations of Having a Child with AD/HD *How to Communicate with the Professionals/Parents Involved in a Child's/Student's Education Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities Publications: *Taking the Mystery Out of Special Education Through the Middle School Concept (Co-Author) *An IEP Writing Tool Incentive Publications, Nashville Tennessee Certifications from: Justice Center of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia - Mediator Certification: August 2002 The Supreme Court of Ohio & Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management - Mediator Certification in Truancy Mediation: June 2005 

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