Dee Ann Wilson

Formerly of the Iowa Department of Education

Des Moines,
United States

Dee Ann Wilson was a consultant with the Iowa Department of Education until her retirement in June 2010. Most of the 29 years while employed with the SEA involved administering policies and procedures concerning state complaints, preappeal conferences (mediations without requesting a hearing), mediations, and due process complaints. She was always passionate about attempting to find ways to address differences with a collaboratively approach that could maintain or establish relationships between parties.

She had been involved and supportive of CADRE activities since its inception, including attending and presenting several times during the CADRE symposia. When CADRE selected Iowa as one of four exemplar states, she was the designated SEA representative.

She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Utah State University, and completed all coursework requirements except for the research component for the ED.S. (University of Utah) in Educational Administration.

She received the 2009 JoLeta Reynolds Service to Special Education Award at a national institute for her efforts to promote alternate dispute resolution. Other awards include the Iowa Governor’s Golden Dome Award: Employee of the Year, Iowa Department of Education; Iowa CEC Winterstein Memorial Award; and the Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa Appreciation Award.

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