Chip Coker

Executive Director
Center for Dialogue and Resolution

United States

Chip is the Executive Director of the Center for Dialogue and Resolution (CDR), an Oregon non-profit agency that has been providing conflict resolution and restorative justice services and education since 1981. Chip was trained and certified as a mediator in 1998 by the Orange County Human Relations Commission in California and has since mediated over 250 cases, including cases related to IDEA complaints for the Oregon Department of Education. He recently completed a two-year term as President of the Restorative Justice Coalition of Oregon. In that capacity, and as Director of CDR, Chip has played a key role in expanding the use of Restorative Justice practices and philosophy beyond the traditional criminal justice arena, including into the schools and in the workplace. He and his wife, Robin, have three children and have lived in Eugene for 11 years. GO DUCKS!

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