Carole Conn

ADR Director, The Bar Association of San Francisco
Bar Association of San Francisco

301 Battery Street, Third Fl.
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States


Carole Conn with Mildred Browne, Margaret Farruggio, John Taylor and Julia Martin. Biographical information to follow on each presenter.

Carole Conn is the Director of ADR Services at the Bar Association of San Francisco. For over 25 years, Ms. Conn has been involved in delivering direct services and innovating programming to improve legal access and dispute resolution. Ms. Conn, along with SFUSD Consultant Mildred Browne partnered with the SFUSD Special Education Assistant Superintendent Elizabeth Blanco in the fall of 2014 to begin the concept of a partnership to bring mediation and facilitation to help resolve conflict between families and school district personnel, outside the litigation track of due process. Major design elements include the Collaborative Conference, Communication Strategy Sessions, and Facilitation of IEPs. Conn brings her experience of systems design, certification as a mediator and years of community service programming to this successful partnership.

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